Demokracja. Interpretacja wyznania wiary red. Stanisław Filipowicz

Michał Bożek
2018 Przegląd Sejmowy  
Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2018, s. 156 Stanisław Filipowicz, Democracy. Interpretation of the confession of faith Stanisław Filipowicz is one of the renowned experts of theory of democracy in Poland. The reviewed book confi rms his status as such. Although S. Filipowicz presents the views that had been established in the literature and refers to problems that are well known, his interpretation stands out as original. A signifi cant feature of his interpretation is its multi-dimensionality.
more » ... he book contains fewer than 150 pages divided into six chapter, an introduction and conclusion. Despite its small volume, it refers to the most important problems of modern democracy. These are: the problem of properly defi ning the essence of democracy, real and symbolic signifi cance of the mythical principle of rule by people and an attempt at fi nding an alternative formula therefor, searching for a remedy to systemic threats in people's features and the value of state institutions, democracy's legitimacy and the issue of the rule of law as an indispensable element of democracy. The book is distinguished by the author's masterly style characterized by elegance and linguistic quality. Słowa kluczowe: demokracja, władza, państwo, konstytucja, polityka
doi:10.31268/ps.2018.27 fatcat:fw4tmggyyfeqlkdknfg3zjokpy