Esthetic rehabilitation of non-syndromic oligodontia: An innovative approach

P. Poornima, Meghna Bajaj, K. P. Bharath, N. B. Nagaveni
2015 Journal of Advanced Clinical and Research Insights  
This case report describes the esthetic rehabilitation of a 13-year-old girl presenting with non-syndromic oligodontia, who had compromised esthetics, occlusal function, development, and retarded skeletal growth. The esthetic rehabilitation was completed with direct composite restoration using thermoformed templates along with reinforced polyethylene fibers. The present technique is a viable alternative to reestablish the masticatory function, esthetics with improved self-esteem.
doi:10.15713/ins.jcri.75 fatcat:4afdei5izjcgxjlm4h7dzuomwi