Effect of Planting Season on Hard seededness in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

Jiten der, R.C. Punia, He mender, Axay Bhuker, Pradeep Singh
2017 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences  
The present study was conducted on 15 genotypes of mungbean viz., MH 318, MH 565, MH 709, MH 729, MH 534, MH 805, MH 810, MH 735, MH 736, MH 919, MH 560, to assess the effect of planting season on hard seededness. All the fifteen genotypes were grown in two seasons viz. summer and kharif. The results revealed that seed obtained from the crop raised during kharif season showed maximum number of hard seeds ranging from 11.00 to 33.00 as compared to summer raised crop (2.67-14.00). Maximum hard
more » ... d were recorded in genotype MH421 (22.00) followed by MH125 (19.33) and the lowest hard seed were found in genotype MH810 (8.00) followed by MH560 (9.67) indicating that presence of hard seededness is more of a genetic character. K e y w o r d s Planting season,
doi:10.20546/ijcmas.2017.609.306 fatcat:6ryss5sek5cgboy444xvkymcwe