Development History and Field Experiences of the First FT8 Gas Turbine With Dry Low NOx Combustion System
Barry C. Schlein, David A. Anderson, Markus Beukenberg, Klaus D. Mohr, Hans L. Leiner, Wolfgang Träptau
Volume 2: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Combustion and Fuels; Oil and Gas Applications; Cycle Innovations
This paper describes the FT8-2 Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustor development process and reviews the development history and initial field experience at a natural gas pipeline station in Germany. The development process is primarily focused on defining a fuel nozzle or injector, investigating emissions, fuel-air mixing, flame stability, acoustics, flashback resistance, and flame disgorgement. Empirical development tools including single nozzle and sector combustion rigs, as well as flame imaging
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... iques, are discussed. A summary of in-house engine development testing is provided. The control methodology used to meet emissions, while maintaining combustor pressure pulsations at an acceptable level, is provided. The natural gas compressor station design and operational experience with a GHH BORSIG compressor driven by the FT8 engine in Weme, Germany is summarized. Also presented are details of the very short conversion period from Standard to DLN combustor with the first successful ignition of the engine 26 days after work had begun. The FT8 Industrial Gas Turbine consists of a GG8 gas generator and a P18 power turbine. The 608-I gas generator has been in commercial operation since 1993 and has accumulated over 500,000 service hours as of December 1998. The GG8-2 gas generator has been developed from the G68-1 with the incorporation of a DLN combustion system. Figure 1 shows a comparison of the general arrangement for the 0(38-I and 008-2. The GG8-2 was designed to allow the retrofit of the DLN combustor into non-DLN 0G8-1 gas generators. The gas generator compressors, turbines and rotor systems are common in both the G08-1 and GG8-2. The 0G8-2 gas generator incorporates the reliability improvements developed for the G08-1 (Boley and Prete 1998). FIGURE 1 The G08-2 DLN combustion system (see Figure 2 ) features sixteen lean pre-mix gas fuel injectors in a FloatwallTM combustor compared to the nine can-annular burners in the 0G8-1. The system incorporates three fuel zones to produce the desired emissions levels. The lean pre-mix fuel injectors have two fuel zones, a main lean pre-mix zone and a centerbody diffusion pilot zone. The centerbody pilot provides stabilization of the lean pre-mix flame and can be used to control combustor dynamics. The third fuel zone is accomplished by utilizing diffusion sidewall pilot injectors used during starting, part load operation and provide additional combustion stabilization.