High-resolution image-based multi-scale modelling of biological hard tissues

Atsushi SANDO, Noriyuki KUSHIDA, Naoki TAKANO, Taiji ADACHI, Takayoshi NAKANO, Yukichi UMAKOSHI, Takuya ISHIMOTO, Takatoshi ENOKIMOTO, Mariko KAWAI, Toshio YAMAMOTO
2006 Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science  
2 科学技術振興機構 CREST研究員 (現 日本原子力研究開発機構) Medullary bone formed in estrogen-injected male quail has microscopic heterogeneity due to complex morphology of trabeculae and nanoscopic characteristics. The latter arise from alignment of biological apatite (BAp) crystallites and collagen fibrils. Hence, the mechanical functions of bones are not always directly related to BMD (Bone Mineral Density) but to the morphology of medullary bone as well as BAp orientation. In this paper, multi-scale modelling of
more » ... e above-mentioned medullary bone is presented using the homogenization technique. Its verification by very large-scale FEM analysis using the Earth Simulator is also described. Mesh superposition method is employed for multi-scale in-vivo stress analysis under arbitrary disturbances.
doi:10.11421/jsces.2006.20060017 fatcat:ew6wkad7ofdwppfyaa2k7fvxqy