Self-Stabilizing Global Optimization Algorithms for Large Network Graphs

Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, David P. Jacobs, Pradip K. Srimani
2005 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
The paradigm of self-stabilization provides a mechanism to design efficient localized distributed algorithms that are proving to be essential for modern day large networks of sensors. We provide self-stabilizing algorithms (in the shared-variable ID-based model) for three graph optimization problems: a minimal total dominating set (where every node must be adjacent to a node in the set) and its generalizations, a maximal k-packing (a set of nodes where every pair of nodes are more than distance
more » ... k apart), and a maximal strong matching (a collection of totally disjoint edges).
doi:10.1080/15501320500330745 fatcat:6fq2e2666rh4hpl6y5grdmu4wu