Exploring the Possible Gaps Associated with the Current Practice and Application of Psychodynamics in Contemporary Clinical Settings in Some African Countries

2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
The role of psychodynamics in deciphering and determining the behaviours of people remains central in diagnosing and treating behaviours and abnormalities that can only be explained psycho dynamically. The aim of this article is to explore and discuss possible gaps embedded in the continuum of psychodynamics with the hope of coming with interventions that can make psycho dynamically processes such as counselling effective in African societies. Findings indicate the following gaps: most
more » ... amic challenges in most societies are handled by traditional practitioners; there is generally inadequate application of psychodynamics due to inadequate infrastructure and human resource; the use of cultures to inform most psycho dynamically oriented challenges; and most clinical practitioners to offer psychodynamic services have been deployed to handle HIV/AIDS. The article recommends the use of traditional and clinical psychodynamic services in tandem; and expedition of training of clinical based professionals/paraprofessionals/ auxiliary workers.
doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n8p539 fatcat:ybiizarm6vf7zexd3hgetuuvqy