Multi-modal Bio-metrics Evaluation for Non-destructive Age States Determination of Tomato Plants (Solanum lycopersicum)

Muhammad Makky
2016 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology  
Every plant has unique morphological features, and can be used for its characteristics identity, such as age. When the plants grow, their morphological features may change, observable visually or by optical equipment. These various morphology transformations were categorized as multi-modal Bio-metrics. In this study, tomatoes from local cultivar were grown in a net house, in west Sumatra. The growth medium comprised of soil, husk, and manures with the composition of 1: 1: 1 respectively. For
more » ... t growth, plants were watered regularly, and protect from pests and weeds. The observations were performed on 21st, 42nd, and 63rd day after sowing (DAS). The samples were the leaflets of the primary compound leaves of the plants. The leaflets were cut and digitized using a high-resolution colour scanner. The imaging performed at 300 dpi resolution, and the recorded image subsequently processed by the image processing software. Image segmentation performed to remove background from the object. Furthermore, the greenish of leaf object in the image were measured in RGB colour space. The leaf dimensions and area were quantified by the software, as well as the length of the leaflet main vein at central axis. Two secondary leaflet's blades were selected manually, and the angle formed between the blades and the main vein was measured. A Statistical engineering program was used to identify the principal morphology characteristics of the leaf, by means of Principal component analysis (PCA). Mathematical models were developed based on the principal component values and leaflets position to determine the plants age and state. Results showed all model have coefficient of correlation higher than 0.99 indicating acceptable accuracy.
doi:10.18517/ijaseit.6.3.821 fatcat:vda4ob7mr5cbpbukz2cm62atgy