The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Kinging before a considerable au dience at the Junior High School last night despite a threatening rain, the University of Texas Glee Club under the direction of Anton H. Berkman, presented the musical pro gram with which they have charmed audiences in twenty-three towns and cities in their recent tour of the State. Last night's concert marks the first appearance of this year of the whole club in Austin before a Uni versity audience although the mem bers have assisted several times be fore in
more » ... her entertainments. In ad dition to the thirty students who compose the club, William Camp, so loist; Mrs. Vena K. Matthews, pian ist; and Eugenia Limburg, local prodigy virtuoso, appeared upon the program in several varied numbers. P ro g ram Well Received The audience last night was at tentive and appreciative and the pro gram as a whole was well received. Berkman, soloist, gave a good rendition of the "Recessional" and Grieg's " Behold a Host." His best number, perhaps, was "The Wreck of the Julie Plante" by O'Hara. Kramer's "The Great Awakening" was the best received number on the program and drew the most applause. Ryan and Camp also did some good solo work. Mrs. Vena K. Matthews gave two piano num bers which showed a great degree of technique and sympathetic interpre tation. Sing Cowboy Ballads The fourth part of the concert, a series of cowboy ballads collected by John A. Lomax and arranged by Oscar Fox, gave a typical Texas at mosphere to the program. They were sung by Camp who gave, besides Moussorgsky's "The Plaint Spring Sports Issue of Comic Magazine Has Many Features Has Taken Part in Various Student Activities, and Favors Honor System Bascom M. Nelson of Wichita Falls, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, has authorised the an nouncement of his candidacy for Ac ademic councilman, subject to the election May 12. During his attendance at the Uni versity, Nelson has been actively en gaged in various types of student work. He is a member of the Athen aeum Literary Society and has taken an active part in the activities of that society. He was a worker on the Stadium drive during the fund campaign of last year. Nelson's name has appeared on the honor roll each term that he has been in the Uni versity, and his name was in the top list of the honor roll for the win ter term. Nelson is a self-supporting student and has worked while attending the Texas Ranger's spring sports issue is now ready for distribution and will be given out Wednesday and Thursday to holders of the publica tions ticket, according to Robert L. Murphree, assistant business mana ger. The spring sports number, which is the seventh issue of the magazine for the current session, features cover in three colors by Pat O'Brien. Other features are a frontispiece by Howard Williamson, a humorous sketch entitled " Idiots That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-la " by the edi tor, Frank Morris Midkiff, and Sev enth Lesson of the College Primer series by Joe W. Earnest with illus tration by Howard Williamson, and a full page track meet farce in " Min ute Movie" ,style by Carl McLynn and Williamson.
doi:10.26153/tsw/20299 fatcat:26wnwvyugrhozfzyx4vxwfqfna