Two-Wave Mixing in Broad-Area Semiconductor Amplifier [chapter]

Mingjun Chi, Jean-Pierre Huignard, Paul Michael
2010 Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics  
The two-wave mixing in the broad-area semiconductor amplifier was investigated, both theoretically and experimentally. In detail we investigated how the optical gain is affected by the presence of the twowave mixing interference grating. In the experimental setup we are able to turn on and off the interference pattern in the semiconductor amplifier. This arrangement allows us to determine the two-wave mixing gain. The coupled-wave equations of two-wave mixing were derived based on the Maxwell's
more » ... wave equation and rate equation of the carrier density. The analytical solutions of the coupled-wave equations were obtained in the condition of small signal and the total intensity is far below the saturation intensity of the amplifier. The results show that when the amplifier is operated below transparency we obtain an increase in the optical gain, and when the amplifier is operated above transparency we obtain a decrease in the optical gain. The experimental results obtained in an 810 nm, 200 μm wide GaAlAs amplifier show good agreement with the theory. A diffusion length of 2.0 μm is determined from the experiment.
doi:10.5772/8665 fatcat:k3bdhkryjbblxaointalatdcwu