Influence of various oiling compositions used in conservation on the physical and mechanical parameters of binding leather

Svetlana Khazova, Tatiana Velikova, Tatiana Lisitskaia, M. Shamtsyan, S. Ignateva
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
Protection of leather bindings from the influence of an unfavorable environment is one of the most important tasks of conservation. One way in which this is accomplished is by treating the leather part of an object with an oil or lubricating dressing. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of greases (oiling compositions) of various compositions on leather properties during ageing process (water-absorbing capacity, hygroscopicity, elasticityand color change). Ten oiling compositions were investigated.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021506002 fatcat:lwgmeb44azbffix4npqx565o3a