Calcite-Seeded Crystallization Technique for Phosphorous Removal from Waste Water and Waste Sediment

Nwe Nwe Oo, Kyaw Naing, San San Myint
2019 Zenodo  
Induced crystallization of calcium phosphate was carried out by using calcite obtained from Kyaukse. The bismuth phosphomolybdate complex method was used for the determination of phosphorus. At first, preliminary investigation on phosphrous removal from model phosphorus solutions was carried out to understand the nature of calcite seeded crystallization process. The characterization of fresh calcite (before use) and used calcite was carried out by using ED-XRF and XRD techniques.
more » ... processes were studied with batch and column experiments. Calcite seeds were also reused several times for phosphorus removal. Application of calcite seed materials for the removal of phosphate in waste water samples was carried out. The maximum phosphorus removal percent was found at 91.41% for fish aquarium water, 93.73% for agricultural run-off water and 96.22% for waste water from fertilizer factory by using 4g calcite seed, the solution of pH 9 and 24 hours contact time. Removal of phosphate and recovery of calcium phosphate from waste sediment of fertilizer plant that has high content of phosphorus (153.27 ppm) were carried out.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3545199 fatcat:4dj47h3ddveu7btxlrl4p5efmy