Recrutamento e seleção de pessoas em uma organização pública de auditoria: identificação de fatores contextuais transituacionais [thesis]

Ariel Dias Lima
The goal of this research is to investigate the contextual factors that influence the processes of recruitment and selection, given to both the transituacional factors and contextual variables provided in the literature and the perceptions of professionals and leaders of an audit organization of government spending. It is justified by the fact that organizations are exposed to contextual transituacionals factors arising from internal environments, which transmit all the organizational e work
more » ... text dimensions. The function of recruitment and selection, understood as a process of compatibilization of social needs, organizational and individual, have on contextual variables a decisive factor for the individual-organization adjustment. The literature showed that the task of attracting people operates on three axes: objective, contextual factors and profiles. There were collected qualitative and quantitative datas. The prime quoted were obtained through documentary analysis, and the quantitative datas form the search form applied by electronic means and provided to 60 officers of the searched area The instrument was composed by 59 assertions concerning the contextual factors, valued by one level agreement scale. For the factors on which there was agreement, the respondents also indicated the degree of impact of the factor in their work context -directly or indirectly. The feedback obtained was 63.3% (38 respondents).For the qualitative datas were used semantic analysis and the quantitative share were analised in terms of measure of dispersion. It was applied measure of central tendency and dispersion. The results showed that 54.5% of the factors impacts directly the external control work contexto f the searched organization. Corteged with the theorical reference,the empirical data confirmed that the contextual forces impact in the form of demands for professionals with different profiles, new emerging powers, compel the design of new occupational spaces and, consequently, end imposing the need to redefine the structures and systems of human resources.
doi:10.26512/2008.tcc.1467 fatcat:oaleoie5ujclvhlpcl3c7bfb24