Short reports

Antti Jansson
1995 Entomologica Fennica  
The following reports were presented during 1994 at the meetings of the Entomological Society of Finland (ESF), the Societas Entomologica Helsingforsiensis (SEH), and the Entomological Club of the Zoological and Botanical Society of Turku (ECT); the reports from the meetings of the Lepidopterological Society of Finland have been published in the Society's own journal, Baptria. The present notes do not cover all the reports given in the meetings since some of them were not received in written
more » ... m, and some reports with information on several species are published separately as scientific notes. For biogeographical provinces, Finnish grid coordinates, and UTM squares see inside back cover of annual issues 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
doi:10.33338/ef.83827 fatcat:olo2n7abyjcldk6t3ogqgnbmzm