Determination of small amounts of oxygen in organic compounds

1948 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards  
A me thod based on the Unterzaucher procedure has been d eveloped for the determination of small amoun ts of oxygen in organic compounds. The method involves t he p y rolysis of the sample in an a tmosphere of helium , conver sion of the oxygen compounds tha t are form ed to carbon monoxide by passa ge of t he produ cts over p ellets of carbon at a t empera t ure of 1120° C and collection of t he carbon monoxid e in a flask of known vo lume. In terfering s~lbstanc~s are remo ved by passa ge of
more » ... he gas through a liquid-air or potassium-hydroxide t rap before collec tion of t he gas. The p er centage of carbon m onoxide in t he collected gas is determined t hrough use of t he N BS col orim etri c indicating gel. As li ttle as 0.01 p ercen t of oxyge n can be determined r eadil y .
pmid:18865789 fatcat:uzp2vopr5beftoiconyggtcofq