Objectives and Content of the School Environmental Projects in Terms of Teachers' Training

Maria Kalathaki
2015 International Journal of Education  
This research is interested in checking whether the content of the school projects of Environmental Education falls within the field of Adult Education. If these projects offer, indirectly, in-school teachers' training because the participated teachers are simultaneously educators and learners, trainers and trainees, as long as they co-construct each environmental program jointly. This research focused not only on the setting goals and objectives but also on whether the development of the
more » ... t are being structured in the frame of Environmental and Adult Education. It was carried out a case study, content analysis with analysis of texts of archival material of the submitted programs into the Secondary Education Secretariat of Heraklion Crete of Greece during 2005-2006 school year, as combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
doi:10.5296/ije.v7i2.7467 fatcat:7ombqf5t7jawjf2p2jafehlygu