Unplanned Extubation in the Neonatal ICU: A Systematic Review, Critical Appraisal, and Evidence-Based Recommendations

P. S. L. da Silva, M. E. Reis, V. E. Aguiar, M. C. M. Fonseca
2012 Respiratory care  
Objective: The purpose of this study was to update the state of knowledge on unplanned extubations (UEs) in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). This review focuses on the following topics: incidence, risk factors, reintubation after UE, outcomes, and prevention. Material and Methods: Electronic databases were searched for relevant publications from
doi:10.4187/respcare.02164 pmid:23271815 fatcat:o7gpfyf57zgfnhkj7nit7gjklm