Two-Loop QCD Corrections to Wbb¯ Production at Hadron Colliders

Simon Badger, Heribertus Bayu Hartanto, Simone Zoia
2021 Physical Review Letters  
We present an analytic computation of the two-loop QCD corrections to u d → W þ b b for an on-shell W boson using the leading color and massless bottom quark approximations. We perform an integration-byparts reduction of the unpolarized squared matrix element using finite field reconstruction techniques and identify an independent basis of special functions that allows an analytic subtraction of the infrared and ultraviolet poles. This basis is valid for all planar topologies for five-particle scattering with an off-shell leg.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.127.012001 fatcat:465cbkea7je35nbbush7sqrwme