Human-robot interaction for telemanipulation in large workspaces [thesis]

Francisco Suárez Ruiz
Most of the contributions herein presented were not developed in solitude. All this work has only been possible thanks to the support, guidance and enrichment of many others that have crossed in this journey. This thesis is written in rst-person plural, and the We that is used throughout represents myself and the people that contributed in some extent to these results. I wish to thank my advisor, Manuel Ferre, for his guidance and support. He encouraged me to think for myself, develop research
more » ... deas, take charge of experiments, papers and presentations, which led to the accomplishment of this research over this long project. I also thank the members of the Telerobotics Laboratory of the Centre for Automation
doi:10.20868/upm.thesis.33664 fatcat:qxtslxbhojacrdypcb3hbsh2dy