ZELALEM TSEGAYE ASMARE, Professor Belete Kbede Mebratu
This time the Ethiopia government gives its attention in the provision of infrastructure as it is the basic for the development of one country. In reflection of this consent Design and Construction of new Water supply Projects are widely seen. So many private (domestic and foreign) and governmental organization are participating on the sector in the study, design, construction and supervision field.There is an increase in the number of construction projects experiencing extensive delays leading
more » ... to exceeding the initial time and cost budget. The main objective of this research were to assess Causes and Effects of delay on 'Legedadi Deep Wells Water Supply Design and Construction Project (Phase-I). As per the original signed contract agreement, the project is supposed to be completed in 12 months with the total allocated budget of ETB 1.35 Billion while due to time overrun the project have been completed in 15 months and consumed at the end of the project ETB 1.41 Billion which is higher by ETB 0.06 Billion or 4.44% than the contract amount which creates challenges to allocate additional budget on the client side, inefficient service delivery on the project owner, Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority. The study adopts quantitative and qualitative methods with the help of primaryand secondary data. Primary data was collected using self-administered questionnaires on 54 respondents and key informant interviews with 15well experienced in such specific water supply construction projects selected from the project owner, consultant, contractor and subcontractors. Secondary data was collected through reviewing of project documents.Such as; BOQ, Contract agreement, design documents, formal communication letters, and change orders etc. vi Respondents were asked to rank the importance general and specific factors of delay causes using five points scale (1=Very low, 2= Low, 3= Average, 4= High and 5= Very High)and the analysis shows that, top causes of project delay were related to the Client, Consultant, Contractor and s [...]
doi:10.20372/nadre:1548575135.74 fatcat:ex3ofm4ydvedzikvfdbat3oem4