Application focused on structural comprehension of mathematics contextual problems for kindergarten students

Pedro Gabriel Fonteles Furtado, Tsukasa Hirashima, Yusuke Hayashi, Kazushige Maeda
2019 Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning  
There has been a lack of research into conceptually teaching the structure of contextual problems to kindergarten students. This is despite the popularity of contextual problems and the difficulties that students have with them. This study focuses on creating a textless, image-based application that uses the Triplet Structure Model to teach about the structure of contextual problems. This model has been successfully used in the past to teach Japanese elementary school students. The pilot study
more » ... uggests that young children are successful at learning about the structure of contextual problems by using the application. The results suggest that users' interactions are not thoughtless and that the interactions improve as they use the application.
doi:10.1186/s41039-019-0096-1 fatcat:uxtgap6t5bha7ahhmvz6ozb3vu