Raj Kumar, Vishnuvarthan, K Palraj
2016 J. Biotechnol   unpublished
Now-a-days rationing material distribution is performed manually by writing about consumption of ration items by customer in the entrybook.People may buy various materials (sugar, rice, oil, kerosene, etc.) by using ration card.Sometimes card holder doesn't consume ration items,the stock will remain in the shop.But the person working in the ration shop,put inventories & this type of malpracticing entry that consumer are bought ration items,dealers diverts food grains to open market to make
more » ... ts for their own.There is no monitoring of such unused material. There is another problem of irregularity in opening shops and false announcement of deficit in food grains.People don't know materials providing date and so they will affected by this false announcement. Sometimes this will affect on routine work of consumer. In the manual distribution system it is difficult to maintain the records. To avoid such a malpractice & regularize public distribution system to people this proposed system is to be implemented. When the consumer proceeds to flash the card the database will retrieve the whole details of the consumer. The user can purchase whatever they want by just flashing the smart card at the shop. The alert message will be given to the consumers when will items available in shop, and consumer purchase details. The consumer will receive purchase details on authorized Email Id year wise report.