The superfamilies Pupilloidea and Enoidea (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata) in Bhutan

Edmund Gittenberger, Choki Gyeltshen, Pema Leda, Sherub Sherub
2021 Folia Malacologica  
The species of two gastropod superfamilies, i.e. Pupilloidea and Enoidea, that have been recorded in Bhutan, are described and illustrated. Five families with ten species in total are dealt with. Three species are described as new to science, viz. Pupisoma (P.) paroense Gittenberger et Leda, n. sp., Pseudonapaeus occibhutanus Gittenberger, Gyeltshen et Sherub, n. sp., and Laevozebrinus parvus Gittenberger, Gyeltshen et Leda, n. sp. Distribution maps are presented for all the species. Some biogeographical considerations are added.
doi:10.12657/folmal.029.009 fatcat:iij5ghcatvbfhnalacdb7htpce