Role of physiotherapist in the pediatric obesity: pooled experiences

A. Prosperi, C. Dagna, E. Mattiazzi, T. Bolgeo, F. Viazzi, M. Polverelli, A. Maconi
2021 Working Paper of Public Health  
Objectives: To study the problem of pediatric obesity and the engagement of Italian physiotherapists, laying the foundations for a future health education project of the Specialist Interest Group (GIS) PEDIATRIC PHYSIOTHERAPY AIFI.Methodology: Administration of an insight survey/questionnaire to the Pediatric GIS Group.Results: 95.7% of respondents have never taken part in projects dedicated to pediatric obesity. Three experiences emerged, but only two respondents became available for the
more » ... iew. 94.4% of the operators considered useful the physiotherapist's contribution to the healthcare problem and 82.2% of them expressed a real interest in the subject.Conclusions: Physiotherapists should play an active role in planning interventions aimed at promoting and supporting correct lifestyles from early childhood to young adulthood, starting even sooner during the prenatal and perinatal periods. This study confirmed the awareness and feeling of Italian pediatric physiotherapists towards the issue: The bases are therefore laid for future involvement of pediatric GIS in educational projects for the prevention of pediatric obesity.
doi:10.4081/wpph.2021.9452 fatcat:x6v6h7gsgbedtitawzlvzkwgbe