Cost comparison of a commonly prescribed Antidepressant (Escitalopram)

AR Kunwar
2014 Journal of Psychiatrists Association of Nepal  
E m ail* C ot e sp o n din g auth o t : anmkunw ar@ y aho o. c o m Abstract s. The treatment cost of antidepressant can vary widely. The objective of ttris study is to find out the variation in prices of an antidepressant drug. Method: We compared the price of an antidepressant escitalopram produced by various pharmaceutical companiei(:"'il-ibl" ", Jrn ury 2010) and compared the cost of antideprcssant therapy over six monl!1. Escitalopram was taken as it is widely prescribed antidepressant in
more » ... pal and it is sold under multiple trade names by different pharmaceutical companies making it ideal for this study. : Results: The cost of most expensive product over 6 monihs in comparison to cheapest product was more than 50 o/o more in l0mg and 20mg categories. ilopraur-t0mg-Rs. 1263.6 and 20mg-Rs. 2527.zvs Feliz S lOmg -Rs. 1953 and 20mg -Rs' 3780. Tvro other products were 35oZ (Nexito lOmg -Rs. 17O6) and 47% (Szetalo I Omg -Rs. I 861 .2) more expensive than the cheapest product (Elopram l0mg -Rs -lz63-q-Conclusion: This study concluded that there is wide price difference in the gost of an antidepressant escitalopram marketed by different pharmaceutical companies. Clinicians shoutd be aware of the cost difference between antidepressants, which can lead to significant savings to patients and society as a whole.
doi:10.3126/jpan.v1i1.9920 fatcat:g33egnp3jnem7ce56wg64gjmpq