Home Composting of Food Wastes Using Rotary Drum Reactor as an Alternative Treatment Option for Organic Household Wastes

Tahseen Sayara, Mahmoud Shadouf, Hour Issa, Hanan Obaid, Ruba Hanoun
2022 Journal of Ecological Engineering  
In this research, the application of home composting system as an alternative approach for household organic waste management was investigated. A rotary drum home composter made of galvanized steel was designed and used for the composting process. It consists of two chambers of about 170 L each, and is equipped with sufficient holes to ensure aerobic conditions as well as valves for leachate drainage. Different parameters, including using waste to bulking agent ratio, co-composting using animal
more » ... manure and introducing charcoal with the feedstock were investigated. The designed reactor proved its efficiency for composting purposes, according to the obtained results regarding the degradation of the organic waste with ease operation and monitoring. The highest reduction volume (85%) in the composted materials was in treatment of 1:0.5 waste to bulking agent, whereas co-composting using animal manure better enhanced the organic matter degradation, as the highest decrease in the C/N ratio (about 62%) was observed in this treatment. No significant effect of the charcoal war recorded regarding the degradation process, but was clear in reducing odors.
doi:10.12911/22998993/147873 doaj:7237a4165aeb4a3e8d20ba2200334fd9 fatcat:7xuiblzfv5gzfc7xxheb3xmspm