Employment of a Multi-measure Approach as a Vehicle for Monitoring Encoding and Retrieval Dynamics: The Case of Semantically Related Words

Jonathan Guez, Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
2011 Psychology  
Several recent studies have indicated that retrieval, unlike encoding, is only minimally affected by dividing attention, but is associated with significant secondary task costs. The reported experiment manipulated the strength of pre-experimental semantic associations, using a cued-recall paradigm and a multi-measure approach. This allowed the assessment of accuracy and latency of retrievals, as well as of overall attentional costs and the temporal distribution of attentional costs incurred by
more » ... hese retrievals. By simultaneously inspecting the different measures, we identified a common set of retrieval types and retrieval components. The results presented different patterns for semantically related or un-related words under full or divided attention as a function of the dependent measure used. The results emphasize the advantage of using multi-measure approach to the uncovering of different properties of cognitive processes.
doi:10.4236/psych.2011.25072 fatcat:oab6oezfmvhedj3etvat724w6a