Regional north-south Terengganu faults: Besut, Kampung Buluh and Ping-Teris

H. D. Tjia
2000 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia  
Three major, roughly north-striking fault zones in Terengganu outcrop as multiple, each tens to hundreds of metres wide intervals of mylonite and phyllonite amoilg unfaulted or less faulted rock sequences. Drag features and subhorizontal fault striations establish that these regional fractures: Besut fault zone, Kampung Buluh fault belt, and Ping-Teris fault zone are strike-slip faults. Lateral displacements on the first two mentioned had been left lateral, while the Ping-Teris fauit zone moved
more » ... in right-lateral sense. The amounts of displacement are not known. Along their strikes, the three fault zones appear to continue as the wide belt of north to north-northwest striking faults in the north-western end of the Malay basin. Total traceable map-lengths of the fault zones reach 300 km each. In the basin, these faults transect upper Miocene and older rocks, but onshore Terengganu the three fault zones are only known to be of post-granitoid age, that is post-Carnian. There is no evidence that the onshore faults were active during the Cenozoic. There is indication along the Ping-Teris fault zone that its pre-Tertiary slip sense was right-lateral, while during the Cenozoic its subsea extension in the Malay basin moved left-laterally.
doi:10.7186/bgsm44200001 fatcat:zx6bkygsjreptnasvxtiig6fni