Bound state spectroscopy of NH–He

Galina Kerenskaya, Udo Schnupf, Michael C. Heaven, Ad van der Avoird
2004 Journal of Chemical Physics  
The NH-He van der Waals complex was characterized via laser excitation of bands associated with the NH A 3 ⌸ -X 3 ⌺ Ϫ transition. It was demonstrated that the ground state supports a bound level with a rotational constant of BЉϭ0.334͑2͒ cm Ϫ1 . These results are in agreement with the predictions of recent high-level theoretical calculations. Spin-orbit predissociation of the excited complex was observed, and the spectra yield insights regarding the NH͑A͒ϩHe potential energy surfaces.
doi:10.1063/1.1808416 pmid:15485212 fatcat:rtuysjl2a5cbbi3m23u3zmmwnq