Chronic hypoxia increases fetoplacental vascular resistance and vasoconstrictor reactivity in the rat

Vít Jakoubek, Jana Bíbová, Jan Herget, Václav Hampl
2008 American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology  
Jakoubek V, Bíbová J, Herget J, Hampl V. Chronic hypoxia increases fetoplacental vascular resistance and vasoconstrictor reactivity in the rat. An increase in fetoplacental vascular resistance caused by hypoxia is considered one of the key factors of placental hypoperfusion and fetal undernutrition leading to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), one of the serious problems in current neonatology. However, although acute hypoxia has been shown to cause fetoplacental vasoconstriction, the
more » ... ts of more sustained hypoxic exposure are unknown. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that chronic hypoxia elicits elevations in fetoplacental resistance, that this effect is not completely reversible by acute reoxygenation, and that it is accompanied by increased acute vasoconstrictor reactivity of the fetoplacental vasculature. We measured fetoplacental vascular resistance as well as acute vasoconstrictor reactivity in isolated perfused placentae from rats exposed to hypoxia (10% O2) during the last week of a 3-wk pregnancy. We found that chronic hypoxia shifted the relationship between perfusion pressure and flow rate toward higher pressure values (by ϳ20%). This increased vascular resistance was refractory to a high dose of sodium nitroprusside, implying the involvement of other factors than increased vascular tone. Chronic hypoxia also increased vasoconstrictor responses to angiotensin II (by ϳ75%) and to acute hypoxic challenges (by Ͼ150%). We conclude that chronic prenatal hypoxia causes a sustained elevation of fetoplacental vascular resistance and vasoconstrictor reactivity that are likely to produce placental hypoperfusion and fetal undernutrition in vivo. perfused placenta; pressure-flow relationship; hypoxic fetoplacental vasoconstriction METHODS All procedures conformed to European Union regulations for experimental animal care and were approved by the ethical committee of the
doi:10.1152/ajpheart.01120.2007 pmid:18310520 fatcat:zmuv4iwgineqxj7m3divaaqyh4