Pemikiran Ibn Khaldun Mengenai Sifat dan Amalan Negatif yang Boleh Meruntuhkan Kepimpinan Islam

Mohamad Kamil Ab. Majid, Mohd Fauzi Hamat
2005 Journal of Al-Tamaddun  
lbn Khaldun is undoubtedly a prominent Islamic Thinker especially in the field of History and Islctmic Civilization. His Prolegomena (Muqaddimah) is considered the greatest work of its kind in the Philosophy rf History. This article tries to elaborate his thoughts on certain negative features and practices among Muslim leaders such as tyranny, dictatorship, extravagance, treachery, and seffishness. In our view, these need to be controlled and monilored in a proper manner and the foilure in
more » ... so v,ill lead to the destruction of any civilization in this world. " \fakalah ini pada a,salnya adalah kertas kerja yang dibentangkan dalam Seminar lbn '.;:cldun lll,
doi:10.22452/jat.vol1no1.5 fatcat:zetbkokcrnhtzonqygr7rg7gkm