Aerodynamic Performances of Lifting-Body Configurations for a Reentry Vehicle

Hiroshi Kawato, Shigeya Watanabe, Yukimitsu Yamamoto, Kenji Fujii
2005 Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets  
Aerodynamic characteristics of lifting-body type configurations for a reentry vehicle are investigated, based on wind tunnel tests, focusing on aerodynamic performances, such as longitudinal trim capability, longitudinal and lateral/directional static stability and subsonic lifting surface loading. Four configurations, namely baseline configuration, fin-off configuration, 45 degrees canted fin configuration and upswept-upper-aft-body configuration are compared. Upswept-upper-aft-body
more » ... on showed the best performance from longitudinal trim, longitudinal and lateral/directional static stability points of view, which suggests that modifying the upper aft part of the fuselage from the baseline configuration is the most promising approach.
doi:10.2514/1.2418 fatcat:cw7lh4ujqrfopejbaijlwxkfqe