The Radix Entomolaris: management of the distolingual root canal

Sarah Abrami
2016 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia  
Aim: To present a case of mandibular first molar with addictional distolingual root (Radix Entomolaris). Introduction: Radix Entomolaris is an additional third root that can be found lingually in first mandibular molars; in European population it has be reported that separate Radix Entomolaris is present with a frequency of 5%. 1 It is of utmost importance that the clinician be familiar with root and root canal anatomy. It allows mechanical and chemical cleaning of the entire pulp cavity and
more » ... complete threedimensional obturation. One of the main reasons for root canal treatment failure in molars is because the clinicians has not removed all the pulp tissue and microorganisms from the root canal system. 2 The knowledge of endodontic anatomy is also important to prevent procedural errors such as instrument separations, zips and root perforations. Materials and methods: In this article an orthograde retreatment of mandibular first molar with Radix Entomolaris is described. Discussion: Clinicians should be aware of Radix Entomolaris through 1. a thorough inspection of the pre-treatment radiograph 2. a trapezoidal opening cavity 3. a conservative instrumentation because RE often presents a moderate/severe curvature in the coronal third that could be masked on regular periapical radiographs. ß 2016 Società Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
doi:10.1016/j.gien.2016.09.007 fatcat:r7nnqii7ifedjbkhcoyijgd5by