Application Progress of Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Renal Perfusion Analysis

Le-Yin Xu, Zhi-Chao Lai, Feng Feng, Bao Liu
2021 Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae  
Arterial spin labeling is a noninvasive,quantitative method for perfusion imaging,which does not need any contrast media.This technique has been used in the renal perfusion analysis.In this article,we briefly introduced this technique and summarized its application in healthy volunteers,acute kidney injury,chronic kidney diseases,renovascular diseases,renal tumors,and renal transplantation.
doi:10.3881/j.issn.1000-503x.12684 pmid:34494538 fatcat:svm5d5jkq5ejtlnbqd3t3ngoxe