Farm labor, non-farm activities, and poverty alleviation: an ethnography on how upland farmers meet farm demands and sustain household needs [post]

Simeon C. Bernados Jr
2022 unpublished
Elimination of poverty in all its form is a challenge that the United Nations must achieve (SDG 1). Poverty is a complex phenomenon and income poverty, most especially in the rural areas, is a paramount concern that needs to be addressed. A total of 12-month ethnographic work was conducted investigating the contribution of non-farm activities (NFAs) of upland farmers in meeting financial requirements for farm operation and household subsistence. Results showed that non-farm activities both
more » ... ihood diversification (LD) and crop diversification (CD) were resorted to by upland farmers as means to meet farm requirements and household subsistence. It is recommended that governments through their line agencies shall come up with policies and programs in support to farmers' economic endeavors such as training and extension and technical services to achieve the goal of poverty-free community.
doi:10.31220/agrirxiv.2022.00128 fatcat:wgqvkoitsfedvej3n5ehpvtf3q