The Evolution Of The Human Capital Role About The Income Determination In Bolivia In The Period 2004-2015. An Application Of The Mincer Model And Quantile Regression

Oxa Alcides Valentín, Daniela Loayza Lara
2017 Zenodo  
In this paper, Mincer models are estimated for Bolivia in the period from 2004 to 2015 using data from the annual household surveys. The distribution of real labor income conditional on the values taken by the explanatory variables of the Mincerian model, such as years of schooling, work experience and other control variables, is considered. Therefore, quantiles regression is applied in addition to the classical linear regression model. Results show a downward trend in the rate of return to
more » ... oling for the considered levels of income, a greater depreciation of work experience and an increase in real income not explained by classical mincerian determinants, nor by control variables. It also reports an equalization of the rates of return to schooling for different income levels in recent years.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1211808 fatcat:ly2lud46w5a4bp5ksivlri6yyi