Colaboração e cooperação entre sistemas produtivos dispersos de empresas virtuais [thesis]

Caio Cesar Fattori
In global and digital market, companies are challenged to nd innovative ways to meet the increased competitive pressure. Competition is one way of interacting for organizations, as well as collaboration and cooperation. Cooperation and collaboration have ways to produce together increasing the potential of companies of meeting demands. Challenges most commonly found on the market are reducing costs, always ensuring quality and customizing products and services. A common business phenomenon
more » ... is the outsourcing of manufacturing and logistics for domestic and foreign suppliers and service providers. This outsourcing causes, intrinsically, a geographical spread of production in new centers which oer advantages in energy resources, raw materials and knowledge production centers. This outsourcing can be done also in the ways of collaboration and cooperation. For this, companies need to establish a trust between them. In the concept of virtual enterprise, trust is widely discussed to achieve the collaboration and/or cooperation between companies. The goal of this work is proposing and modeling a tool that meets the needs of companies for collaboration among them, considering their trust needs. Companies are understand as productive systems, in here, with their business process management layers, according to the standard ANSI/ISA 95. In addition, a kind of interpretation of Petri net, called productive Petri net is introduced as a tool to describe the production process performed by companies as workow. The modeling of this architecture of productive system uses techniques of distributed systems, such as service-oriented architecture. Furthermore, one of the approaches is the need for developing new products, which involves the customization challenge. Tests were conducted to evaluate the proposal of workow with people from dierent levels of knowledge about the processes, both manufacturing and other areas. And the proposed architecture was studied analytically with the hypotheses elaborated from the collaborative environment.
doi:10.11606/t.3.2016.tde-16062016-085528 fatcat:qr437aipene3fdchpywug7aaly