Identifcation of FHIR Usage Patterns in IHE Profiles [chapter]

Martin Staemmler
2021 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
IHE profiles have been enhanced by FHIR based functionality, however relying on different approaches. Based on an analysis of the 33 IHE profiles using FHIR five patterns have been identified reflecting the approaches, namely (i) wrapping, (ii) adding of FHIR based actors and transactions, (iii) resource operation extension, (iv) purely FHIR based profiles and (v) content profiles relying on FHIR resources. In addition, both the maturity and the development of these profiles over time have been assessed.
doi:10.3233/shti210176 pmid:34042761 fatcat:ibnh3lrzrfahbgrmxvthwc2jai