Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Tobacco Small Scale Growers at Kiloleli Village in Sikonge District, Tanzania

Canisius John Kayombo, Lambert Komba, Almas Kashindye
2020 East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources  
Climate change is being discussed regularly at the global level. The study was conducted to evaluate the adaptation strategies of the effects of climate change among tobacco small scale growers at Kiloleni Village in Tabora region, Tanzania. Yamane formula was used to calculate the sample size. Questionnaires and checklists were used as tools for data collection in the field. Secondary data were obtained by reviewing various published and unpublished documents. Data were analysed using the
more » ... stical package of social sciences (SPSS) software. The indicators of climate change on small scale tobacco growers based on the respondents were an increase in temperature, crop wilting, increase in insects, decrease in river water, soil dryness, strong wind, infertility of soil, crop dwindled growth, low rainfall, an increase of diseases, dryness of wells and poor air quality. The identified effects of climate change were drought, floods, hunger, soil erosion, a decrease of area for pasture, death of crops, dryness of river and production is still decreasing and increase of diseases to tobacco. Climate change effects were revealed to be such a burning issue to the small-scale growers that needed strategies to minimize the effects of climate change. Among strategies for reducing the effects of climate change were tree planting as the most useful way of adapting to climate change of all other strategies. The other adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change were drought-resistant crop cultivation, education, agroforestry practices, formulation of bylaws, use of alternative sources of energy and crop rotation. Climate change has shown severe damage to small scale tobacco growers and thus reducing crop yields. This study sets the following recommendations; tree planting, application of agroforestry, education offered by extension officers, formulation of bylaws, also further study is needed and awareness creation on the effect of climate change and the mitigation strategies.
doi:10.37284/eajenr.2.2.149 fatcat:qn65qvicbbc4dou3paouxinbv4