IAC 201CS and IAC 201CO: Crotalaria cultivars with high fresh matter yield and seed production

Sara Regina Silvestrin Rovaris, Gabriel de Moraes Cunha Gonçalves, Jean Fausto de Carvalho Paulino, Simone Daneluz Gobbi, Alisson Fernando Chiorato, Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell
2021 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology  
Dunnett test (p<0.05). Table 2 . Mean total fresh matter weight (TFMW) in kg ha -1 , coefficient of variation (CV%), and least significant difference (LSD, Dunnett -p<0.05) of genotypes of Crotalaria ochroleuca G. considering six evaluation locations, as well as the combination of environments, 2019/20 crop year TFMW (kg ha -1 ) Genotype of Crotalaria ochroleuca Analysis by location Combined Analysis Campinas Votuporanga Sorriso (Nov/2019) Sorriso (Dec/2019) Sinop Canarana
doi:10.1590/1984-70332021v21n2c38 fatcat:sjzevdpbrbcunim4dcjgnahxly