Investigating the Causes of Students' Less Academic Performance in Engineering College of Debre Berhan University

Hiluf Reda
2018 American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics  
Student success is a critical issue facing higher education today. Schools, colleges and universities have no worth without students. Students are most essential asset for any educational institute. Less academic performance of students in universities especially in engineering colleges and its ripple effects are looming dangers for Ethiopia. The main purpose of this research is to identify and examine factors that affect students' academic performance at DBU College of engineering. To achieve
more » ... his objective a sample of 263 students have taken and self-administered questionnaires were distributed through the selected respondents. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. From the descriptive result of the study it has shown that the average CGPA of engineering student is 2.93 with minimum of 2.00 and maximum of 3.96. From multiple linear regression result it is evident that student interest, study habit and previous background factors have a significant effect on the academic performance of students. From the result of the study it is concluded that assigning departments based on the interest of students, effective study habit and good previous background enhances the performance of engineering students. And it is recommended that Orientation and special training should be given for fresh students about effective study habit at the very beginning of the academic year, a continuous and strategic work should be done on students at the lower grades in line with engineering departments in the university, assigning of departments should be conducted based on the interest of students and finally this research should be implemented as project work to enhance the performance of engineering students.
doi:10.11648/j.ajtas.20180703.15 fatcat:u2u7b5iifvdqhbq66oyw6xiyca