New Invasive Insects Associated with Oak Forests in Lebanon

Zinette Moussa, Entomology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Fanar, Lebanon, Elia Choueiri, Abdallah Hanna, Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), Tal Amara, Lebanon, Skaff Estate, Ammiq, Bekaa.
2021 Arab Journal Of Plant Protection  
Oak forests (Fagaceae) are native in Lebanonand occupy the largest areas of approximately 40,000 ha. The most common species are Quercus calliprinos, Q. infectoria, Q. cerris var. pseudo cerris andQ.brantii. Due to climate change and human activities, oak forests have become more vulnerable to native and exotic invasive pests. A total of 26insect species associated with oak trees were recently identified in Lebanon. The most dangerous insect pestisthe gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera),
more » ... nQ. calliprinos andQ. Cerris. The oak leafminer Phyllonorycter libanotica (Lepidoptera)and the Eriophidae(Accari) arethe most species recorded on Q. infectoriaand Q.calliprinosfollowed by the giant mealybug Ceroputo pilosellae(Hemiptera) on Q. infectoriaand Q.calliprinosandthe oak mothThaumetopoea sp.(Lepidoptera) on Q. calliprinos and Q. Cerris. Eightnew species were recorded for the first time in Lebanon on oak and are listed in this paper. Fivespecies of Cinipidae (Hymenoptera): Andricus caputmedusae, A. cecconi, A. sternlichti, Plagiotrochus quercusilicisand Neuroterus quercusbaccarum, one speciesof Scolytidae,Xylosandrus compactus(Coleoptera),one species ofKermesidaeKermes echinatus (Hemiptera)and one species of Diaspididae,Koroneaspis aegilopos(Hemiptera).Keywords: Lebanon, oak, forest decline, invasive species, outbreak
doi:10.22268/ajpp-039.2.164172 fatcat:nlppei3kgvgs5c5rgzdqf2rkw4