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Roman V. Ivanov, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Denis A. Polubelov, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
2019 Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S O Makarova  
A comparative analysis of the quality of the bottom relief data obtained during the operation of two hydrographic vessels of different characteristics with pre-installed on them, identical in composition, hydrographic complexes is performed. The hydrographic vessels are examined using which the analyzed data are collected. The complexes of hydrographic equipment used in the data collection process are also considered. The methodology of shooting in the work area and the conditions under which
more » ... e comparative analysis was carried out are described in detail. The problems arising from the area survey using equipment complexes based on a multipath echo sounder and side-scan sonar under adverse weather conditions, the presence of high wind waves and swell are discussed in detail. The results of the vessels average deviation from the working profiles depending on their size under the different weather conditions are given. Examples of the multibeam echo sounder data and operation of an underwater positioning system obtained using incorrect sound speed profiles are given. The results obtained during the calculation of the average number of distortions on the data from the side-scan sonar per 1 km of the working profile are presented. The necessity of further research of this issue is substantiated. The data were obtained in the process of areal survey of the Barents Sea water area in the region of Novaya Zemlya Island in the period from September to October 2016. During this period of navigation in the Barents Sea, the strong winds often interfere with the hydrographic surveys. The main purpose of this analysis is to assess the impact of the hydrographic vessel selection on the quality of the data obtained in the areas with the adverse weather conditions.
doi:10.21821/2309-5180-2019-11-2-332-339 fatcat:ur7hbcssqvb4lllcyyusvxny4y