Hacia la construcción de un diccionario fraseológico multilingüe en línea españolcroata-italiano: presentación y fundamentación metodológica

Pilar Valero Fernández, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ESPAÑA), Elena Dal Maso, Ivana Lončar, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (ITALIA), Universidad de Zadar (CROACIA)
2021 Sincronía  
This paper focuses on Diccionario fraseológico multilingüe digital (DFMD), an online multilingual dictionary of idioms which is currently in progress in Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). In order to legitimize our project, the first part of this essay presents an overview of Spanish, Croatian and Italian existent lexicography and, secondly, describes the main aims of the project. Later, we analyse the most important features of this lexicographical tool and explain which criteria have been adopted to select the terminology used in DFMD.
doi:10.32870/sincronia.axxv.n79.34a21 fatcat:5uf3x3v63ffefe4brn4wt7lmuu