Damage to engineering objects during re-static alternating load modes

Anatoliy Grabovskiy, Oleksandr Bondarets, Iryna Babiienko
2021 International Scientific and Technical conference "The Progressive Technics, Technology and Engineering Education"  
The paper considers the kinetics of damage accumulation in engineering facilities that operate under repeated static alternating load modes - parts and structural elements of vehicles (cars, airplanes, railways). When changing the direction of the load force in the structural material there is a phenomenon of changing the shape of micro defects, which leads to their "healing", ie the factor of damage to separation and shear changes, which affects the effective stresses and service life of
more » ... ent. This effect of defect healing is considered experimentally for materials with different plastic properties.
doi:10.20535/2409-7160.2021.xxii.240400 fatcat:o66tdkvjtbgcfhqq2r7uhuodgq