An Open Source Cloud Gaming Testbed Using DirectShow

Hamed Ahmadi, Mahmoud Reza Hashemi, Shervin Shirmohammadi
2015 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)  
Despite its challenges, cloud gaming is growing its share in the gaming market by attracting more players. This has led to an increasing number of researches trying to overcome cloud gaming's challenges, including the required high bandwidth and low latency, to make cloud gaming more practical and profitable. To perform this research, researchers need a testbed to evaluate their ideas and find the best solutions. Currently, GamingAnywhere is the only open source platform and testbed to serve
more » ... s goal. However, it cannot be used to stream all video games, since it depends on hooking APIs which might be incompatible with some video games. In this paper, we introduce a new open source cloud gaming testbed. In this testbed, the screen capturing module is fundamentally a DirectShow filter and, hence, can be tuned for any DirectShow compatible video game. The testbed also facilitates the measurement of delay and quality as the video is processed through its modules.
doi:10.1109/cloudcom.2015.53 dblp:conf/cloudcom/AhmadiHS15 fatcat:m7h4byvvofdwjd2hnfykawohfy