Optimal query complexity bounds for finding graphs

Sung-Soon Choi, Jeong Han Kim
2008 Proceedings of the fourtieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC 08  
We consider the problem of finding an unknown graph by using queries with an additive property. This problem was partially motivated by DNA shotgun sequencing and linkage discovery problems of artificial intelligence. Given a graph, an additive query asks the number of edges in a set of vertices while a cross-additive query asks the number of edges crossing between two disjoint sets of vertices. The queries ask the sum of weights for weighted graphs. For a graph G with n vertices and at most m
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doi:10.1145/1374376.1374484 dblp:conf/stoc/ChoiK08 fatcat:rj65t5usfvb77ki6fq7l4cg3xy