Transit Network Design Based on the Bi-Level Programming

2017 DEStech Transactions on Economics Business and Management  
In this work, we study the transit network design problem on the basis of present urban road network from the perspective of programming and optimizing. So we propose a bi-level programming model to design the transit network. Considering the generation of bus lines, the number of stops along the lines, the interval of departing time, the number of buses on each line every day and so on, planners make endeavors to minimize running cost of transit system in the upper programming model. The lower
more » ... level programming model is mainly from the angle of the travelers, taking travel time that is also called general travel cost, including in-vehicle travel time and transfer time, as the optimization goal. Finally, a simple experiment is performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the bi-level model above.
doi:10.12783/dtem/icem2017/13144 fatcat:lsurvw4s75dsnhlcqdskzctqm4