PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism identification and host range of single-spore isolates of the flexible Frankia sp. strain UFI 132715

E Lumini, M Bosco
1996 Applied and Environmental Microbiology  
Twelve single-spore isolates of the flexible Elaeagnus-Frankia strain UFI 132715 fulfilled the third and the fourth of Koch's postulates on both Alnus and Elaeagnus axenic plants. Seminested nifD-nifK PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphisms provided evidence for the genetic uniformity of the single-spore frankiae with the mother strain and its plant reisolates and allowed their molecular identification directly inside Alnus and Elaeagnus nodules. The clonal nature of these
more » ... ified frankiae should allow safe mutagenesis programs, while their flexible phenotype makes them a powerful tool for understanding the molecular interactions between Frankia strains and actinorhizal plants and for identifying Frankia nodulation genes.
doi:10.1128/aem.62.8.3026-3029.1996 fatcat:6be4vp3amraprgdje56qauyxem