Amalan Syura Dalam Kalangan Guru Besar Dan Hubungannya Terhadap Komitmen Kerja Guru

Suhana Abd Hamid, Ahmad Marzuki Mohamad
2016 Sains Humanika  
This study is design to investigate the implementation of the shura among headmasters that's influence teachers' work commitment, and to examine the shura element asli predictability of teachers' work commitment. This study uses quantitative methods involving 200 respondents among teachers from 23 grade A schools in Johor Bahru. The overall analysis of questionnaire data obtained Cronbach alpha value of 0.946, which showed the highest level of reliability assessment and fulfilling the needs of
more » ... his study. The data is analys using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) 22.0. Overall finding shows the implementation of the practice of shura is in a high level, which should be carried out among the teachers. Referring to the second objectives of this study, the analysis proves that elements of the shura; openness, consensus, trust, and trust able to predict work commitments. Based on this result, it can be understood that the elements of the shura competent to improve future teachers'work commitments. It is recommended, for future studies to the investiage the practice of shura in relation with the job satisfaction and school achievement in education. The findings of this study are expected to generate knowledge and understanding in leadership based on a broad practice of shura.
doi:10.11113/sh.v8n3-2.963 fatcat:47pi6gvuizc4hpeqwrgjskef2y